Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to get your ideas to spread

I found Seth Godin's idea of marketing to the innovators and early adopters to marketing to the people that care and listen.  I especially liked his discussion of otaku, a Japanese word that means people with obsessive interests.  I don't think I quite agree when said that marketing a product to a constituency that doesn't have an otaku is almost impossible, but I still think it is a strong idea.

If I think about a few successful companies, I can defintely think of people with otakus for their products or way of doing business.  People on a tight budget shop at Wal-Mart.  They are obsessed with making their dollar go further and Wal-mart makes that happen.  People that love great customer service buy shoes from  Apple has a follwing so strong that someone came along and made a movie about their faithful followers, Macheads.

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